Rock Sound House Style Analysis
In this particular magazine, the house style includes very bright colours, for example pink and green. These colours are used in many different ways on the front cover, as background boxes or as text. They are also used to fill in shapes bordering the page, like the stars around the “also inside” section. Using the same colours, but changing the font size depending on the importance, is a simple way of clearly stating what the main things on the page are, without causing confusion.
Similar colours are also used on the pages that feature the band on the front cover, which shows there is a house style for the band which makes it easy for the reader to flick through the magazine and notice when the article is talking about that specific band.
Although these colours are not used in the rest of the magazine, the same concept is used. This time, throughout the inside of the magazine red and white are used for boxes and fonts.
These colours contrast with each other, like the brighter ones used on the front cover, but are more professional. In addition as they are less bright it means images with more colour in can be added to the pages, and the pages can still match.
The all capital letters theme is also used throughout the magazine. This shows the entire magazine is about bands, as it is about rock musicians and, like their songs, the font is very loud and bold.