Kerrang! Front Page
Which company produces the magazine?
Who are the target audience?
How much does it cost?
How often is it published?
The title:
The strap line:
The main image:
Other images:
There are other images on the cover of the magazine that promote its contents. These images are used to attract the audience of a mass market, as the image shows multiple bands, which results in it attracting more people. They also have white boxes overlapping the image so the names of the bands stand out more. This shows there will most likely be a consistent house style throughout the magazine.
The cover lines on the front cover promote some of the most important features and articles. The cover is mostly showing the target market the types of bands and musicians that will be featuring in the magazine, however it also includes a lure at the bottom middle of the page. This is effective in gaining customers and attracting the target market as it has exclusive information that other magazines do not have. This also makes the magazine stand out, as it has one of a kind information, which will appeal to those who like the band/musician.
Typefaces, graphics and colours:
Firstly, the majority of the colours on the cover are extremely bold and eve catching, which is effective in making it stand out from the magazines around it. In addition, most of the typefaces is surrounded with a block of colour as the background which is usually the opposite colour of the text (black and white). This makes the text look even bolder, as the two colours contrast, and the background box of colour prevents the image taking away all of the attention from the text. Lastly, the typeface is narrow and thin, and all in caps which means people can quickly read the information, and it is easy to absorb and remember.
How many pages are there?
How many pages of adverts are there?
Categorise the products advertised into types:
Games, movies, football game merchandise.
Make a list of the feature/article topics in the magazine:
Interviews with famous musicians
Information on bands
Information on events
Ways to win merchandise/tickets/prizes
Exclusive information or interviews
Posters of people in bands
Are there any advertorials where it is not clear if something is an article or an advert, or a mixture of both?
A lot of the pages that included information on how to win tickets were a mix of being an article as they were giving information away about the band, ad were also adverts as they were promoting them as well.
Does the magazine achieve a unified house style?
Yes as there is a repetition of certain fonts and background boxes that surround the words. This occurs not only on the front cover but throughout the magazine.
Why is this house style appropriate to the target audience and what assumptions does it imply about the target audience?
It implies, like the font and background, the audience are quite bold and different. This is because the colours used for the font and the background contrast as they are opposites. The look of these two things make the magazine look professional and simplistic, but also quite striking and bold.
Categorise the features/articles into types: