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After researching words associated with hip hop music and culture, I chose the names above and constructed a tally so I could get 100% reliable feedback from my target market. They chose the name they liked the most and the result was that Cypher had the most votes, which is associated with hip hop as it is the name of a group of people viewing rapping and dancing competitions. I then proceeded to make designs of the names on photoshop, changing the font, colours and size and conducted another tally.
I knew after researching popular hip hop magazines that I wanted to include the colours white, grey, red and black. These four designs differ in various ways. Number 1 is a spaced out curvy capitalised font in white with a red background. Number 2 is a narrow thin font that is black and red with a white background. Number three is quite an unusual font with jagged edges and joined at some corners. It is coloured white with a black background. Lastly number four has a bright red background with a black font and a white H. I decided to conduct another tally chart as it was successful in showing me what name to choose.
From the tally chart the results told me my target market liked number two. Although this is not the font I would have chose, I want to appeal and attract my target market so I need to make a product that is going to appeal to them. The only way I could guarantee this was if I gave them the power to choose what they wanted.
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