Kerrang! Double Page
Spread Analysis
On the double page spread in Kerrang!, the three main colours used are white, black and red which are the colours included in the house style of this particular magazine.
The title is large and slanted, and includes both red and black text. The font is similar to paint as parts of the text have been taken out and dotted around the title.
They also add some more page furniture in the form of shapes that make it seem less professional and more childish, which is also shown with the cartoons that link with the descriptions of the words and phrases.
To the right there is a question and answer interview with one of the members about their new album, which links in with the rest of the page as it is all about the promotion of their new music.
The text on the page is sectioned in alphabetical order. This method is used to create a more professional layout, which is ironic as the text is very humorous. The text is a mixture of statements the band members have made and certain dates that are memorable that are used to describe the "complex characters, relationships and politics. "The musical. Ooh. England and Green Day sitting on a tree...", is an example of the humorous language that is used in the text.
The type of language used is quite informing. After the large red sub-title, the text goes straight into defining or explaining the meaning behind the word. This means it gets straight to the point, and allows readers to stay interested as it is quicker to read and easier to understand.
To the left, there is a vertical black box that talks about how one of the members is recovering from being in rehab, and is an interview with the two other members of the band.
The text on the page is an alphabetical order, and for every word on the page there is a word or phrase that is later defined.
The page is bordered with stars that link with the name of the band’s new album.